Hi, I’m Chris Vakas, founder of the Wellbeing Management Institute. Many years ago after being diagnosed with life threatening cancer and septicaemia my doctor told me that if I didn’t radically change my lifestyle I wouldn’t be alive for much longer.

Hi, I’m Chris Vakas, founder of the Wellbeing Management Institute. Many years ago after being diagnosed with life threatening cancer and septicaemia my doctor told me that if I didn’t radically change my lifestyle I wouldn’t be alive for much longer.

Grow Healthier, Live Smarter, Live longer with The Nine Laws of Health

Balancing Environmental, Biological and Psychological Influences for health

Wellbeing Management Institute

"I am the master of my fate, and the captain of my soul"

William Ernest Henley

How do we help our body to heal itself for life long wellbeing?

Hey, thanks for stopping by to check out my site, I want to hear your story and how you found my website, I’d also like to share some stuff with you that has changed my life forever. 

Wellbeing management is about getting well and staying well, it is how you help your body heal itself naturally and without drugs, by working with your doctor and living The 9 Laws of Health.

Have you ever heard of Bob Proctor, he was one of my mentors when I was writing my book. When he read the finished book he offered to write the forward. He said:
“This is, without question, the most comprehensive book on health I’ve ever gone through.  The book is unique in many different respects.  It is not just based on knowledge; it is actually based on experience”

Learn 3 hacks to get you on your way back to health

I want to share with you the techniques I was shown that helped me to accelerate my healing to feeling great, instead of being tired all the time, with no energy and being really overweight. 

I can work one-on-one with you or in a group setting to show you how you can get fast results that stick. 

3 area og health

I found it all starts with wanting a healthy body and mind. My book The 9 Laws of Health aims to give you confidence in yourself and your ability to live the healthy life you have always dreamt of living.

Self Care is About You

I’m happy to be your health and wellness coach, and can show you exactly how I was able to get my health back in a really short time.  Frankly when we lose our health, we tend to lose everything we value. It’s pretty bad when you can’t even walk without pain and each day you feel like you are going to die. If you are there now, you know what I mean. If you are not I hope you never have to go there or experience this. I’m a great motivator and I have helped 100’s of people improve their lives  to get their health back for more than 25 years. I know I can help you too.

For a confidential no obligation chat, let’s talk.

The 9 Laws of Health is no ordinary book, I will help in the following areas:
  • Self Confidence
  • Motivation
  • Removing fear and doubt
  • clearing habitual blockages that limit you
  • Goal setting
  • Programming empowering attitudes and beliefs
  • Breaking habits that hold you back
  • Developing your milestone action plan
  • Shedding weight 
  • Manage you energy levels

Good health feels good, even if the journey is bumpy

Sometimes the road to wellbeing has setbacks with 2 steps forward and 2 steps back. The key is never give up!

This book will help every step of this journey, serving as a lifelong reference.

People have turned their lives around with this knowledge, nothing is beyond you, when you discover the secret to health that turns your desire into belief, and your belief into the results that you want. 

Sometimes we struggle at first to believe in ourselves, when we discover the mind shift that will take place, all good things will come to your aid.

Believe this will help you, and help you it will. I know you will enjoy the fulfilling journey to wellbeing, and health, I have your back and will be with you on your journey. I’d love to hear from you, and about your journey.

Barley Grass

Heavy Metal Detoxification


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